Backpacks 4 Vic Kids | Simply Giving
Backpacks 4 Vic Kids

Christmas 4 Kids in Care Appeal

Unsafe in their own homes, these children have no choice but to spend their Christmas at a fost ... more
Unsafe in their own homes, these children have no choice but to spend their Christmas at a foster family home, emergency accommodation or even a police station and most with com-plete strangers. 

You can do something really special this Christmas by helping us reach our goal in fulfilling the B4VK Santa Pack wishes.

Each Santa pack includes a book and a soft toy and ‘surprise gifts’, which could be craft or activity-based toys

Despite the many restrictions we are currently working under, this year we have registrations for 3,000 children to receive B4VK San-ta Packs. 
We are aiming to pack a further 2,703 B4VK Santa Packs which is 10,812 presents at a donation value of $162,180 

Once filled, the packs will be sent all across Victoria, from Warrnambool to Mildura and 
everywhere in between, to children in various forms of out-of-home care, including foster or kinship care arrangements and emergency accommodation. 

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and hoping we can make it a Merry Christmas for others too. 

We appreciate your kindness and generosity.


so far we've collected

49 toys | $1,220

Help us reach our goal of 400 toys worth $10,000


Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0020

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0030

0 - 3 Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0040

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0050

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0075

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0100

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0125

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0150

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0200

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0250

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0500

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 1000

0 - 13+ Yr olds



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